Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm very sneaky sir!


I took this picture last night... Maverick was refusing to stay in his bed it was an ongoing battle til 10:30 I think. One of the times he snuck out of his bed and went into my room. I heard him so I went to see what he was doing and when I went into my room, he was standing completely still in the corner with this bucket on his head. He didn't even look at me. So I pretended I didn't see him and I walked a little further into the room and then started to walk back out and he stood completely still the whole time. It was so funny... so I took a picture. I don't know why he just thought he could be invisible under a clear box. If you can't tell .. Maverick is my difficult child for the most part. Matthew is what my mom would say my angel baby. He still has his mischievious moments but he always goes to bed and doesn't climb out and he listens when I tell him to do something. He is really great! Maverick is great too he just needs a little more um.. lets say direction. Maverick is very smart though, he thinks about things and figures out how to do them whereas Matthew if he can't do it he will give up and move on.

For example the other day Maverick saw a drink on the counter and went up and tried to reach it on his tipi toes. He couldn't get it so he went and got the stool and put it where he thought he could get the drink and then climbed up and realized he still couldn't reach it. He then to a step back and looked where the drink was and went back and moved the stool and then took a step back again to make sure he lined it up right the he ran and climbed up and grabbed his drink.
Now if this had been Matthew he would have went and stood on his tipi toes and tried to grab it and then after when he realized he wouldn't be able to get it, he would either go on and do something else or throw a fit. So it is fun to watch them and see their differences and their similarities.
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1 comment:

Speaks Family said...

I know exactly where that quote comes from! Jared and I say that to each other all the time, "I am very very sneaky sir." That is so funny. Maverick is even cute in a tub. Asher is like Maverick and Gavin is more like Matthew. Gavin would still have me dress him if I would. LOL Megan