Hello, It has been a long time since I have posted anything. I have a lot to update so I will be posting some older pics as well as some new ones. Things have been rough for me for the last few months, so I have slacked off a little. As some of you might know we are building our master bedroom downstairs and so it seems that ever since we started that our whole house became a disaster and I can't ever seem to keep anything clean. It should be done by next month I hope anyway then we can rearrange everything and get it back to normal.
The boys had their 2 year birthday I can't believe it!! They have gotten so big. They don't talk a whole lot yet but I can understand their language. They do have their own little language. Ah me is what is sounds like means they want a drink or food. They have other little sayings too. It is fun to watch them grow and learn. Maverick for the most part right now is my snuggler. He loves his mama. He can be very sweet to. When we go shopping he helps put things onto the conveyor belt or hands things to me. One day baby Aiden (3 month old I watch) was crying and Maverick saw his bottle and grabbed it and took it downstairs to where Aiden was at. (Maverick didn't know I was following him) He went down by Aiden and laid the bottle next to him and said there you go and patted his back. It was very cute and very sweet. Maverick can be a stinker too though. Matthew is my sneaky one. He is always getting into something. For the most part he is a Daddy's boy, but he has his moments when he only wants me. He is the best at blowing kisses to me at night. He seems to enjoy making Maverick mad. He likes to hit Maverick on the head with toys or take the toys that Maverick is playing with and run around laughing while Maverick is chasing him crying.... yeah he is a real stinker sometimes. He has gotten so bad that he will hit my daycare kids if I have them all in the playroom. So right now our playroom is just for my boys. Their favorite things right now are any kind of animals, but especially Dinosaurs. They love to make the animal noises and then they also love to play with their choo choos. I bought a cool set at a garage sale and they play with those every day. Matthew has to have at least two or three to sleep with every night.
Kaylee has been very good as well. She is a talker!! She would talk your ear off none stop all day long if you let her. As many of you know I lost one daycare kid which was Taylor who was Kaylee's best friend. She misses her lots and talks about her a lot. Kaylee was pretty lonely after she moved. She moved to South Carolina so there are no visits we can make to say hi again. I was lucky enough though because my neighbor called me one day and said that someone had moved into the neighborhood and needed her to watch their 4 year old daughter part time. She told them to ask me. So now I have a another 4 year old girl. Her name is Beily pronounced Bailey. Her birthday is in June so she is only a month older then Kaylee. They have become great friends.. They are both head strong so they fight more then Kaylee and Taylor fought, but it has been great. Kaylee is going to have a sleep over with her tonight actually. We also met some of our neighbors who both have 4 year old little girls. We went two weeks ago to one of their houses for a camp out and roasted marshmellows and hotdogs. I took the boys and they kept trying to climb into the fire. Kaylee stayed by herself with them in the tent all night. She did very goood and then she came home the next day. She had a blast. It has been great to get to know some more girls around here for her.
Onto me and Ryan.... I started school again and it has been hard keeping up, but I am doing ok so far. Ryan has been a big help. He helps with our kids and gets them to bed, he helps with the daycare kids when I need him to as well. He has been superdad for the last few months. Also for this week Ryan has stayed home with our kids and our daycare kids so that I could go out and hunt... Haha that is funny. I knew he really wanted to go, but he let me go anyway. I ended up seeing 14 deer the first morning and I should have shot this nice buck, but I got scared. I was pulled back on him but I don't think I could have hit him so I let it go, but I should have shot it at 30 yards, I just didn't think I would have got him. I did shoot a button buck though and then yesterday night I shot a doe, but I guess I must have put a poor shot on her. Ryan is going to try and track her today. I am going to go shoot my bow here in a few to see if my sight is off. Ryan called me this morning and said he shot a buck, but I haven't heard from him since so I hope he finds it.
Ryan and I had our five year anniversary. He planned a huge day which turned out really good. He bought me a new ring kind of an upgrade from my old one. I really like it. I will have to take a picture. Josie our lab had puppies. Yep 7 puppies, well she actually had 8 puppies but one was born dead. It was so tiny! I had to freeze it then throw it away, it was sad. We have given all the puppies away except two. One female and one male. The male is suppose to go to someone from Ryan's work, but he hasn't seen him yet so hopefully they still take him and yesterday I got a call from someone saying they might want the last pup. She was my favorite we nicknamed her Charlie. We were going to keep her, but decided not very smart right now. The kids enjoyed having the pups around. Kaylee was their adopted mother I swear. For a while she had a different puppy inside everynight sleeping with it. I didn't mind she took care of them really well. I think last night Ryan decided to get rid of Josie. She has been tearing things up lately and I don't know what her problem is. I don't know what we are going to do with her. Coop is still around but he has actually been pretty good. Josie has been more of a pain then Cooper lately.
Well that seems enough to update about right now.. next time I will have to write sooner.