Monday, July 20, 2009

Kaylee moments

So anyone who knows my daughter, knows that she is hilarious! So I have a couple of fun sayings by her... I should start a blog for Kay moments. That kid cracks me up!

The other day she came up to me and asks... mom, why is God dead? I explained to her that he wasn't and that he lives in heaven and she said, well... why doesnt he speak to us? I explained that he does through the scriptures, prophet and when we pray. She said well how come I don't hear him when I pray? I said well he speaks to you through the holy ghost when you pray. She then said matter of factly... Well mom, I just prayed for forgiveness at the condo because I hit Tessa and I didn't hear the spirit. LOL! What do you day to that?

Then just a minute ago I knew she wanted to ask me something and she came up and said mom, would you mind if you don't say no? Then proceeded to ask me her question... Kids! I tell you what.

1 comment:

Colton Anne said...

Kids do say the darndest thing. But it's so sweet to hear how sweet and innocent they are and so eager to learn!