Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hang man/Challenge

Hello everyone, just been updating my blog today, since I have a little bit of time while kids are sleeping. So if you scroll down to the bottom of my blog you can play hangman. I know, but it's kind of fun.

I am getting into the Christmas spirit as you can tell I changed my background and added some Christmas music. So I am also going to put a little challenge out there to those who read my blog. I challenge everyone starting the day you read this to do something for someone everyday. This doesn't mean you have to buy something for someone. This is the time for giving and you can give in many ways. A simple smile to someone who doesn't expect it, a phone call, a letter...not an email a real letter with a postage stamp to someone. It can be anything small or big whatever is in your hearts desire :) Do this everyday til the end of the year and maybe you can make it a habit. I know by doing this you will bless someone as well as yourself. Involve your kids to, let them color something for someone and then take it to a friends house or do a secret santa, you know knock on someones door and run. The kids should get a kick out of that. If your kids are too young make cookies with them and let them dump the ingrediants, I know it gets messy but you will all have fun. Here is an idea take a whole day without doing "mommy things" and only do kid things, you will be surprised how much fun you will have and no don't stop to put a load of laundry in until your kids are asleep.

So that's it! That is my challenge. Yesterday I made cookies with my kids, of course my boys are too little to understand what to do yet, so I got a bowl of flour and gave all three of my kids measuring cups and let them dump it into another bowl, then I measured the correct amount into the a different bowl, they had fun and thought they were helping. There was flour everywhere on everyone, but not to bad to clean up.

Alright everyone good luck and let me know how you do!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I love and I bring on the challenge! We need to do this and we have done a little-just probably not everyday. I had Madds "help" me with cookies yesterday-it was a lot of fun!