Monday, November 2, 2009

Kaylee's first day of school

So here is Kaylee's first day and I have a couple pics of her second day of Kindergarten. I can't believe it! Then I also put some on there of her beautiful hair... man i was so sad. I had the nerve to think right before school started wow I made it five years without Kaylee cutting her hair that's great.... so what did she do that week? She cut her hair and the boys hair. I had to buzz the boys hair off and hers I thought I could get away with and layer it cause she just took a chunk off the side, but it was too far back so I had to cut it off!! I was soo mad because her hair grows so slowly and I have been growing it since she was born. All we have done for five years is get it trimmed and that is all the longer it got. I had to chop off like 3 or 4 inches off the back. I was sad but she still looks cute. I like her hair longer though so I guess we will start the long process over again.

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