Anyone know of a boot camp for three year olds? My boys have been driving me crazy so my mom took them and Kaylee this weekend and I finally finished the boys room. I also had to clean it up because they completely destroyed it. Well... today they woke up at 5:00 and would not go back to sleep so of course I couldn't either. After I took Kaylee to school I put a movie in for them and read a magazine for a little bit, but they were way into the movie so I layed down and fell asleep for maybe 10 minutes. I woke up to them under my kitchen table with a bunch of medicine out from our cabinet. They pulled down the oven stepped on it, climbed on top of the stove and had to get on their tiptoes in order to even get anything out of our medicine cabinet. They ate all of the kids tums and a whole package of gum they had to sneak out of my purse. I called poison control and they said they would be fine.. Then they were sneaking candy when I was on the phone with poison control so I had enough. I put them in their room and locked the door so they could play in there for a bit. They were playing great, no fighting and someone bumped their head so I opened the door and what did I find...... Well Maverick took off his pull-up and rubbed poop everywhere stuffed animals, toy box, pillows you name it. They also tore down all the little stickers I put up this weekend on their wall, I was sooo mad! I worked hard on their room to make it look good and they ruined it all, I saved some of the stickers but the majority had to be tossed.
So lesson learned.... be grateful all of you who do not have twins!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Last night!
My calling right now is being a member of the activities committee and last night we had a meeting at the church. On our way after a little bit of shopping.... Kaylee decided to put a piece of plastic on her finger. It was a long orange tube that came off of a toy gun. Well, it got stuck and of course she was dramatic about it. When we got to the church first thing Matthew smashed his finger so now I had two wailing children. I left the boys in the gym with a friend and then took Kaylee to the bathroom and put soap on her finger yet it still wouldn't come off. I pulled and twisted, it did not budge.
Freaking out I went back into the gym and ask the girls there what I should do.. Fortunately there was a doctor there and he just pulled it right off, I guess he had the magic touch. Her finger was blue and purple and swolen, poor thing. Then I had to run out to my car and get band aids for Kaylee and Matthew. It was insane!
Freaking out I went back into the gym and ask the girls there what I should do.. Fortunately there was a doctor there and he just pulled it right off, I guess he had the magic touch. Her finger was blue and purple and swolen, poor thing. Then I had to run out to my car and get band aids for Kaylee and Matthew. It was insane!
Monday, November 2, 2009
The many faces of Tess and Care
Ok so my family... mom, dad and tess took me to see the Broadway show of Mary Poppins at the Fox theater. I had alot of fun... it was great! I loved the show they did some things differently then in the movie but I think all the performers did a great job. I loved it. On the way though me and Tess were bored so here is what we did.... Take a million different silly pictures... yeah it was fun.
Also across the from the Fox there was this giant Buddha Bunny, so I had to get a picture of everyone in it. It was kind of weird, but cool I guess. Then there are a couple of pictures of the inside of the Fox. I have been there before but it was still awesome.
Kaylee's first day of school
So here is Kaylee's first day and I have a couple pics of her second day of Kindergarten. I can't believe it! Then I also put some on there of her beautiful hair... man i was so sad. I had the nerve to think right before school started wow I made it five years without Kaylee cutting her hair that's great.... so what did she do that week? She cut her hair and the boys hair. I had to buzz the boys hair off and hers I thought I could get away with and layer it cause she just took a chunk off the side, but it was too far back so I had to cut it off!! I was soo mad because her hair grows so slowly and I have been growing it since she was born. All we have done for five years is get it trimmed and that is all the longer it got. I had to chop off like 3 or 4 inches off the back. I was sad but she still looks cute. I like her hair longer though so I guess we will start the long process over again.
Some misc pics
These are just some misc pics I had. The first one is our new dog Bentley, for those of you who don't know two months ago our dog Cooper was killed by a car. So now we have Bentley, he won't ever be able to replace Cooper but we have grown to love him and it has helped Ryan get over losing Coop.
Then I have some pictures of my kiddos getting a ride behind Pap-Daddy's lawn mower. This is always requested now when we go up to my parents house. They love it!
Then I have some pictures from our pummelo experience. I wanted to try it since I never had. It looks like a huge grapefruit and its pink inside like a grapefruit, but it tastes between a mix of an orange and a grapefruit. It was pretty good and my boys ate some of it. The skin on it was soo thick I couldn't believe it. I don't know if I would by it again, if I do next time I will slice it in half and put sugar on it and eat it like a grapefruit.
Then Ryan and I got to go fishing cause Nana watched the kids for us and it was fun because we finally got to do something together without kids! We caught a decent amount of fish and I caught a fairly nice bass. It was fun thanks again Nana!
Finally we had our first hospital trip with the boys. Matthew some how hit his head just right on the corner of our wall and busted his head open. I knew right away he would need a staple. So I had to take Matthew and Maverick to the hospital while my neighbor watched Kaylee and Beily. It was truly the worst experience of my life!!! I got there right around lunch time so my boys were starving but i knew I couldn't give them anything just in case like they said and of course I couldn't give Maverick something and not give Matthew anything so both were starving. When I got there they said I was next. I think it took two hours from then for me to actually get in... didn't know next meant you had to wait two hours. It was awful by then we were tired and hungry and bored. They were all over the place being crazy. Then I saw that a helicopter was coming in so I rushed outside and they got to watch the helicopter land and then 15 minutes later they got to see it fly off again. Then we went back inside and 10 minutes later we were called in. We didn't get a room though, we had to sit in the hallway on a bed next to a lady who I knew didn't feel good and I felt so bad because there was no way I would be able to keep them quiet and they were yelling and being boys you know. Finally someone came and cleaned off his head then left then we had to wait another 30 minutes for them to come back and say yep he needs a staple then they had to numb it and finally they got the staple in after like 4 hours. The nurse was way cool, she came back and said man they still aren't here and went to find them for me then after she told me how perturbed she was because she knew what I was going through, so at least someone understood.
So he had it in for about a week and then they took it out... pour baby it hurt coming out cause it was stuck and she had to pull several times.
There is also a picture of Tessa and Annie they were in a charlie brown play. Tessa was snoopy and Annie was the little red headed girl.
Our bath tub was broken for awhile so I was letting the kids take a shower in my room, but this time I was lazy so the boys took baths in my kitchen sink. It was funny cause they are so big, they liked it though.
And finally the boys got into Kaylee's play clothes and dressed up so I of course had to take a picture. Matthew is in the green dress and Maverick is in the blue one. Too funny!
Summer fun
Here are a few pictures from this summer. We were down at the lake pretty much all summer. It was great fun for the kids. I made some friends and had four free pools we could go to. We had one at our condo, it was pretty small but the kids loved it. We went almost everyday that we were there. Then I found out Lyndsie Z. lived down there and she had two pools I could use one at her condo and another right next to her condo that she had the code for. Then her man had a pool at his huge house by the golf course that was fun to go to as well. My favorite was the one you see in the slide it was just for kids. They had a section that the deepest part was maybe 2 feet and it had sprinklers that sprayed water in the air then it had a pole with three buckets that would fill up with water and then dump out in different orders in which kids loved to stand underneath to get soaked. The pool part was round with a platform in the center. The water was pushed to go around and around so you could put the kids in a tube and they would float around the whole thing. Plus it was only three feet deep the whole way around and there was a playground right next to it. We went there often because the kids loved it. Kaylee could swim while the boys went to play on the playground and I could lounge out on a chair and get tan while not having to move because I could see all of them since they were close together.
Kaylee became a regular fish she just started swimming all by herself and she became really good at it. I was impressed with how quickly she picked it up. The boys were petrified of the water at first. Seriously they clung on to me for dear life. Slowly though I would get them to go further away from me until all of a sudden Maverick was not scared at all. He loved the water. I would double the boys up they would have a life jacket and a tube around them. The method worked because when they had only the life jacket they would wobble around or their face would be too close to the water and they couldn't move very well. In just the tube they could fall out so by doubling it made it perfect for them... it did work really well. Maverick jumped in several times before I got his life jacket after that and i had to jump in and save him. He was not afraid anymore. Matthew however took it nice and slow he liked to stay on the steps if it was three feet deep but if we were at the kid pool he would play where the sprinklers were. He wasn't a big fan of floating by himself with his life jacket I had to be with him. He still had fun though.
My boys one day though were playing in the shallow part at the kid pool and they ran over to some ladies and spit water on them and thought it was funny and kept trying to do it. I didn't realize it at first then I felt so bad, it was pretty funny though. Kaylee fell in love with her goggles and we couldn't go anywhere without them she is posing in one picture with her green ones and looks completely goofy I love it though!
Then I also have pictures from the fourth of July, Ryan had to work but we had a red, white and blue breakfast. I made pancakes and put whip cream on top with fresh blueberries and strawberries on top. It was really good! Then Ryan had to work so it was just me and the kiddos. Our condo was having a party at the pool so we went down there and they had a limbo contest for the kids. Kaylee was the winner!! Go Kaylee, she was so cute doing it. She got to pick out a prize and she picked a squishy frog. I was a proud mom... then we just swam for a while and later we went to hang out with ryan then I took the kids back to the condo and put them to bed. We didn't really watch any fireworks that night we saw some from our balcony at the condo over the lake which was really pretty but I had taken the kids to a firework show by our house in Columbia that was awesome. I didn't know how much it cost and i couldn't find exactly where it was going to be at so when I finally drove up the lady said it was $10 but I didn't have the money and I was going to have to go get some, but she said, well you are the last one so here you can have this VIP pass and go in. Awesome! We had great seats and the fireworks went along to all different kinds of music, it was the best fireworks show I have ever seen.
So since this summer I didn't post anything I have a bunch of updates. This one is when I took Rob to the KC airport when he was going back to get Debbie, Terra and Michelle. Tessa went with me and the kids and we dropped Rob off then we went to the zoo. It was sooo soo hot that day but we went anyway. I think Tessa was about to die though. I had never been to the KC zoo and I did not realize how HUGE it was. We only got to see the Africa section cause that is all the time that we had also if we had more time I wouldn't have gone because it was so stinkin hot. The kids had a blast especially with the lions. They were right by the glass seriously like two inches away from us. I'm sure the glass was thicker then that but it was crazy.
After the zoo we went downtown KC to these huge sprinklers so we were able to cool off... I was smart to remember to bring swimsuits :) so we all got soaking wet and it felt good! It was awesome... they would spray up in different heights at different times and then they would go up extemely high for a few minutes then go back down for awhile and gradually get bigger again. Then I think on the hour every hour everyone would have to step away and there would be a fountain show. It was so cool almost better then fireworks. Music would start to play and the fountains sprayed in sync with the music going high to really high to low with the tempo. I loved it!! After that we changed in the car and drove the long trip home. It was a fun trip and I am glad that I got to take the kids because they had a lot of fun and thanks again Tessa for your help love you!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bear faces
Two days ago Kaylee kept asking Ryan for ice cream and he kept saying no, not right now. Well the last time she asked and was told no, she got really grumpy and left for her room, but I had told her I would get her some after lunch.
The next thing I knew she was back in the room and said, "here dad, this is for you." Not really looking at it he said oh thanks, that looks great. It was a bear puzzle and she had a girl bear and a boy bear on it. She said well dad I just gave you these bears cause they have mad faces and cause you won't give me ice cream. (I was laughing to myself at this point cause she was really funny about it)Ryan said oh, great! Then Kaylee left the room and came back with a bear puzzle for me and they were a happy face girl and boy bear. She said these are for you mom cause you said I could have some after lunch. Guess I was the favorite at that moment. :)
The next thing I knew she was back in the room and said, "here dad, this is for you." Not really looking at it he said oh thanks, that looks great. It was a bear puzzle and she had a girl bear and a boy bear on it. She said well dad I just gave you these bears cause they have mad faces and cause you won't give me ice cream. (I was laughing to myself at this point cause she was really funny about it)Ryan said oh, great! Then Kaylee left the room and came back with a bear puzzle for me and they were a happy face girl and boy bear. She said these are for you mom cause you said I could have some after lunch. Guess I was the favorite at that moment. :)
Dinosaur book
We have several Dinosaur books that my boys love and I read them with all the kids.. Well one of them is called, "How do Dinosaurs clean their rooms?" One of the lines in the book says he picks up his toys, and he puts them in rows.
Well the other day I told Kaylee I would help her clean up her room only if she actually was helping. So we are working and her job was to put the toys in her Dora buckets while I was putting away clothes. Well I looked down and she was "playing" with marbles and putting them in something. I said, Kaylee quit playing you need to help pick up. She said, mom, I'm not playing I'm putting these in order. It's good to put things in order you know. That's what the Dinosaur book says... What do you say to that??? It looked like she was playing to me, but at least she was putting them in rows..
Well the other day I told Kaylee I would help her clean up her room only if she actually was helping. So we are working and her job was to put the toys in her Dora buckets while I was putting away clothes. Well I looked down and she was "playing" with marbles and putting them in something. I said, Kaylee quit playing you need to help pick up. She said, mom, I'm not playing I'm putting these in order. It's good to put things in order you know. That's what the Dinosaur book says... What do you say to that??? It looked like she was playing to me, but at least she was putting them in rows..
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
So the other day when we were driving up to Nana's house Kaylee says:
Mom, I want to go to California
Me: (Wondering how she even knows what California is) I said oh really how come?
Kay: Because its just really cool there
Me: So why do you think it's really cool there?
Kay: Oh, because I just think I would like it
Me: Well, why would you like it?
Kay: Because they have a hotel there... (You know the song Hotel California :))
She loves hotels and she must have heard that song recently so... there you go it was pretty funny!
Mom, I want to go to California
Me: (Wondering how she even knows what California is) I said oh really how come?
Kay: Because its just really cool there
Me: So why do you think it's really cool there?
Kay: Oh, because I just think I would like it
Me: Well, why would you like it?
Kay: Because they have a hotel there... (You know the song Hotel California :))
She loves hotels and she must have heard that song recently so... there you go it was pretty funny!
Monday, July 20, 2009
That's yucky!
This is pretty funny. Tessa (my little sis for those who don't know) has been hanging out with me a little bit this year. Well one of the first times she came down the boys hadn't seen her for a little while. Tessa was helping me out and reached out for Maverick to help carry him for me or something. Maverick yelled NO! Then looked at me and pointed at Tessa and said That's yucky mom, that's gross! It was really funny.
Kaylee moments
So anyone who knows my daughter, knows that she is hilarious! So I have a couple of fun sayings by her... I should start a blog for Kay moments. That kid cracks me up!
The other day she came up to me and asks... mom, why is God dead? I explained to her that he wasn't and that he lives in heaven and she said, well... why doesnt he speak to us? I explained that he does through the scriptures, prophet and when we pray. She said well how come I don't hear him when I pray? I said well he speaks to you through the holy ghost when you pray. She then said matter of factly... Well mom, I just prayed for forgiveness at the condo because I hit Tessa and I didn't hear the spirit. LOL! What do you day to that?
Then just a minute ago I knew she wanted to ask me something and she came up and said mom, would you mind if you don't say no? Then proceeded to ask me her question... Kids! I tell you what.
The other day she came up to me and asks... mom, why is God dead? I explained to her that he wasn't and that he lives in heaven and she said, well... why doesnt he speak to us? I explained that he does through the scriptures, prophet and when we pray. She said well how come I don't hear him when I pray? I said well he speaks to you through the holy ghost when you pray. She then said matter of factly... Well mom, I just prayed for forgiveness at the condo because I hit Tessa and I didn't hear the spirit. LOL! What do you day to that?
Then just a minute ago I knew she wanted to ask me something and she came up and said mom, would you mind if you don't say no? Then proceeded to ask me her question... Kids! I tell you what.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wow! In need of a big update!!!
So its been a few months.... I have been busy with school, kids, daycare and my husband started a business... I say I have some good excuses why I am so behind. Well Ryan and Brandon (his partner) opened up their business in May! Finally it seems like it was taking forever but it is up and running and we have been getting good business. I am finally getting a brake til late August from school I am really excited about that even though I had to finish with two B's :( but they were good grades considering everything that has gone on in my life lately.
For those of you who don't know a little boy that I watched named Aiden who was 9 months old died in May in his sleep at my house. I had to do CPR and everything, it was the worse experience of my life! I couldn't even sleep in my room for a while because that is where I had him. I had laid him down for a nap and was packing Kaylees clothes in her room which is directly above my bedroom, I heard some banging around downstairs and realized Kaylee and Beily were in my room so I ran downstairs a little upset because I knew they were going to wake him up. I shoed them out of my room and went to check on Aiden and he was completely blue. I did CPR until some firemen showed up and they took over and then took him back to the ambulence. When he was gone the police told me that they had a pulse on him but they wouldn't tell me anything else. After having them kick me out of my house and having to talk to investigator while they took pictures of every room and took some items from my house they finally gave me the bad news. I was able to go to the hospital with his parents and say goodbye to him. I have never seen someone die or be dead in front of me and it was the strangest experience of my life, I just couldn't believe he was gone. One minute he was playing with me downstairs and the next he was just gone.
I am grateful for Sara and Andrew and their families and their love for me during this time. I loved Aiden and so did Kaylee and Ryan. He was a part of our family for a short time and in a way Kaylee's little brother. She actually told me that she was going to marry him someday. Kaylee has been confused about the whole ordeal and talks about him almost everyday. Today she said a sweet prayer in which she said Heavenly Father please take care of all the children but please take care of Aiden. She asked me if we could drive to heaven to see Aiden and said that she really misses him and wants to go see him. She was watching as I did CPR on Aiden and I remember her saying oh.. I sure hope Aiden is going to be all right. She loved taking care of him and help him eat and drink his bottle.
Through all of this I am grateful for the gospel and the knowledge that I have that Sara and Andrew will get to be with him again someday and hug him and hold him. What a great day that will be for them.
I have to thank everyone who has been with me through this and for helping me with my kids and giving me support as well. I love you all and I am grateful especially for Ryan and the support he gave me even when he was away from home. I had my friends Deena and Tanner show up right before the investigator told me Aiden was gone and shortly after my mom was there as well. I am glad I didn't have to receive that news while I was all alone. Thank you everyone... I love you.
For those of you who don't know a little boy that I watched named Aiden who was 9 months old died in May in his sleep at my house. I had to do CPR and everything, it was the worse experience of my life! I couldn't even sleep in my room for a while because that is where I had him. I had laid him down for a nap and was packing Kaylees clothes in her room which is directly above my bedroom, I heard some banging around downstairs and realized Kaylee and Beily were in my room so I ran downstairs a little upset because I knew they were going to wake him up. I shoed them out of my room and went to check on Aiden and he was completely blue. I did CPR until some firemen showed up and they took over and then took him back to the ambulence. When he was gone the police told me that they had a pulse on him but they wouldn't tell me anything else. After having them kick me out of my house and having to talk to investigator while they took pictures of every room and took some items from my house they finally gave me the bad news. I was able to go to the hospital with his parents and say goodbye to him. I have never seen someone die or be dead in front of me and it was the strangest experience of my life, I just couldn't believe he was gone. One minute he was playing with me downstairs and the next he was just gone.
I am grateful for Sara and Andrew and their families and their love for me during this time. I loved Aiden and so did Kaylee and Ryan. He was a part of our family for a short time and in a way Kaylee's little brother. She actually told me that she was going to marry him someday. Kaylee has been confused about the whole ordeal and talks about him almost everyday. Today she said a sweet prayer in which she said Heavenly Father please take care of all the children but please take care of Aiden. She asked me if we could drive to heaven to see Aiden and said that she really misses him and wants to go see him. She was watching as I did CPR on Aiden and I remember her saying oh.. I sure hope Aiden is going to be all right. She loved taking care of him and help him eat and drink his bottle.
Through all of this I am grateful for the gospel and the knowledge that I have that Sara and Andrew will get to be with him again someday and hug him and hold him. What a great day that will be for them.
I have to thank everyone who has been with me through this and for helping me with my kids and giving me support as well. I love you all and I am grateful especially for Ryan and the support he gave me even when he was away from home. I had my friends Deena and Tanner show up right before the investigator told me Aiden was gone and shortly after my mom was there as well. I am glad I didn't have to receive that news while I was all alone. Thank you everyone... I love you.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
My straight hair girl
Thanks Nana!
I wanted to put some pictures up of the boys in their pj's Nana sent to them. They of course love them because there are dinosaurs on them. Thanks Nana!
My princess
Kaylee likes it when someone takes a picture of her. So one day I let her put on a church outfit and took some pictures of her. She posed all by herself, I didn't tell her what to do she just did it. After smiling a saying cheese she said, "mom, we have to take some silly pictures!" So we took a couple of silly pictures as well which my collage only shows one. It was fun and she loved the attention. I love my little princess!
Kaylee then and now
Kaylee wanted me to take a picture of her in her Christmas dress this year. As I was going to post it, I noticed her other pictures of when she was 18 months old. It is funny of the similar dresses and the same picture years apart of her playing on the piano. Man time flies and she isn't my little baby anymore.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Kay's big belly

The other day Kay said mom.. look at my belly, I think it's just getting too big. Hmm... if I get a fat belly like pap daddy I'm going to kill that food or I mean I'm going to eat food and then crack it out of my belly. Crack, Crack, Crack it out of my belly! Cause I don't want a big belly like pap daddy.
It was really funny!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Mormon Mommy blogs
So I found this blog... mormon mommy blogs and it is pretty cool. Lots of topics to read about by different moms. Well this month they are having a cool give away and all you have to do to enter is to go to their blog and post a comment. I put a link under my links list everyone should check it out and enter it but you have to do it this week or you will be too late. Check it out! It's pretty cool.
I stole this off of someone else's blog, but I really liked it and I love Hilary Weeks so I thought I would post it too.
I know you wonder if you'll ever have a day
When the kids stay calm, the laundry's done, and the dishes are put away.
And sometimes you feel like your days are spent and gone
And the question running through your mind is what have I gotten done?
And when you finally have a moment to slow down
At the end of your day
I know Father would say
Believe in what you're doing
Believe in who you are
Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God
Believe in who you're becoming
Believe in who you are
It may seem simple-all the little things you do
But the lives you touch matter so much
And there's no one else like you
And Father needs you to stand tall and faithful
To be all you can be
Oh, if you could see what He sees, you'd
Believe in what you're doing
Believe in who you are
Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God
Believe in who you're becoming
Believe in who you are
When it's hard to believe in yourself
And you feel like you're beginning to doubt
He believes in what you're doing
He believes in who you are
Don't lose sight of the truth that you're a daughter of God
That he believes in who you're becoming
He believes in who you are
~Hilary Weeks~
I know you wonder if you'll ever have a day
When the kids stay calm, the laundry's done, and the dishes are put away.
And sometimes you feel like your days are spent and gone
And the question running through your mind is what have I gotten done?
And when you finally have a moment to slow down
At the end of your day
I know Father would say
Believe in what you're doing
Believe in who you are
Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God
Believe in who you're becoming
Believe in who you are
It may seem simple-all the little things you do
But the lives you touch matter so much
And there's no one else like you
And Father needs you to stand tall and faithful
To be all you can be
Oh, if you could see what He sees, you'd
Believe in what you're doing
Believe in who you are
Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God
Believe in who you're becoming
Believe in who you are
When it's hard to believe in yourself
And you feel like you're beginning to doubt
He believes in what you're doing
He believes in who you are
Don't lose sight of the truth that you're a daughter of God
That he believes in who you're becoming
He believes in who you are
~Hilary Weeks~
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